Thursday, November 12, 2009

Staging A Condo...."sneek peek" (video content)

Staging A Condo....."sneek peek". Staging a condo can be fun & rewarding. You don't have to be a professional to stage your own condo but you will need a few things: vision, cash, & most importantly......time. Blending these 3 things together is the "magic potion" for any "staging condo project" to be a success. Time to make some important decisions:

* Do you have the "vision" as to what you want & how to achieve it? Can you see things in your mind that may look good together & can you judge sizes, colors, textures, that may or may not look good together. Will the staging items "fit" in the areas needed & blend together without looking too sparse or.....over crowded?

Can you blend new with old & what about "gently used"? What furniture will go with the colors of your walls or that wall paper you thought you were going to have to remove but don't want the hassle? Do you have this "knack"? Is it in you? Be truthful. This will help you with your staging condo project.

* How much money do you want to spend on your staging condo project? Is money no object or do you have a "strict" budget to go by or can you hit "the middle of the road" with your staging project costs? This is a very important question you will have to answer.

If you haven't answered this question yet......stop! Do not go any further until you have answered this question. You may have to go & look at pricing out some of your major items & this will help you gauge your apprx. costs for your staging condo project. This will enable you to make this important decision.

Stand back & carefully review the existing furniture/accessories in your condo & see what you may be able to "re-use" with your staging project, as to lower the overall costs (if your budget "decides" this for you). You may surprise yourself with this excercise, not realizing by just moving things around, you might be able to take a "bite" out of your projected purchasing!

* The most important question to answer though is: do you have the necessary "time" to stage your condo? You won't be able to just go to one store & pick up everything you need for your staging condo project. Don't be in la la land thinking this will happen because it won't. You will be "combing the streets" for just the right armoire or the right color & texture of the couch you visioned, etc., etc.......the list goes on.

You not only need to have the time to shop for all of your items for your staging project, you will also need the time to haul away the old "stuff" or hire someone to haul away (don't forget to budget for this). You might also want to put some adds up to possibly sell some of your "stuff" you're going to be hauling away. That exta cash could be used towards purchasing your "new" items.

Once that has been done, it's time to put together the rooms & install pictures, mirrors, etc.. Did I mention that you might want to be familiar with a few items such as: tape measure, level, electric drill, picture hangers, plastic anchors, etc.? Get those pictures, mirrors, accessories hanging & placed properly.......this makes "all" the difference.

Do you want your condo staging project to turn out looking just "ok" or do you want it to look GREAT? The amount of "time" you "invest" in your project will determine the outcome of the overall look of your staging condo project....capeche?

Take a look at this video which shows existing conditions before commencing with staging a condo project. I know....your condo will not look the exact as this but I want you to put your thinking cap on as to how this video applies to your project......grasp the concept here....ok? The important thing is that you "get" the "concept". Did you ever think you were going to be a "decorator"?


You're not getting bored yet are you? I still have a ways to go but I figure "the more I talk"....."the more you learn". Fair trade-off.....right?

Now make your lists, check them twice, then it's time for the fun to! If you love to shop then this is for you. If you hate to may "not" want to tackle staging your condo. What?......Chicken? It's OK. You can change your mind if you need to. My Dad always says: "A wise man changes his mind....a fool never does" ..ssshhhhhh........use this saying whenever needed!

Remember when shopping: you don't have to buy all brand new furniture/accessories. Mix it up with "gently used" furniture, etc.. You'll be amazed at what you can find if you just "look". There's many a unique & one of a kind pieces out there "hiding", that may just go with your staging condo project. It's your job to find "them".......this is where your time comes into play.

Here's the staging condo project completed. The staging came out great.....I think! As you are viewing this video, keep your staging condo project in mind on how this video applies to "your" project. If that's the only thing (concept I'm talking here) you take from this article (always seeing how something can apply to your project) then give yourself a gold star!'s the video. Don't ooh & ahh too much!


The owner wanted an "Asian/Contemporary" feel for the staging project. Darker colors were used for a warmer look. A combination of golden colors were used with dashes of rust, deep reds, browns, blacks thrown in for good measure. Textures galore also make a room "pop". Keep your eyes open when shopping!

Glass table was used for dinette set (for depth perception) along with high backed narrow chairs giving a distict flare.....high-backed chairs in such a small area?...who would have "thunk"? The narrow serving table fit right in against the it was meant to be.

Believe it or not....the main picture above the couch was the main catalyst that determined the colors for the furniture/accessories for the main room, etc.. The couch came next then things started to fit into place. Start with a focal point of your room then move out from there. That's when the fun starts....mixing & matching.

Some things I wouldn't have imagined going together but the main room turned out awesome. Coffee table has a unique distict look, cool looking dresser under stairs, one of a kind low-boy designer chair, nice sun-beam end table by couch, & amazing how a checkered pillow can tie things together....not to mention the cool "things" above the tv unit. The old "tired" refrigerator was replaced with a stainless steel unit & that also ties into the main room (worked out well).

What if I told you that "alot" of the furniture/accessories/pictures were "gently used"? Would you believe me? couldn't tell what was brand new & what was "gently used" could you? That's where the magic comes into play....your "knack" of putting things together. The beauty is thinking that it's all new.....just like what you want all your friends to think. You're so cool!

Did you notice anything being used again? Could you tell? I'm not going to tell you what was re-used but a few things did get relocated/reused. This saved a few more bucks which were then re-channeled towards the purchase of some of the other items. You always gotta think.

I'm trying to show you that you "CAN" put together a room (or rooms) without breaking the bank. What do you think about that? That's what this blog is all about. Doing things yourself & saving $$! Check out some of the other posts. If you see anything your friend(s) would enjoy.....don't be the envelope with the arrow on it, at the end of this article & quickly send to a friend. I know........always trying to "save" you time......I try.

All these styles & textures & colors coming together to make a room. You'll have fun! The bedrooms came out great too. Take another look at the video & see how the bedrooms came together. I never would have thought to use "that" for a tv stand. Smart dresser & who's idea was it to use black & white pictures with crisp black frames? Great look (in the right place). Take these ideas & what's on the videos & use to your heart's content.

Click here if you need to get some video painting tips for your next painting project

Stage On!


Sunday, November 8, 2009

Video Content...Shoe Repair....using Liquid Nails?

Shoe Repair....using Liquid Nails? You betcha! Liquid nails will repair just about anything....even shoes. Liquid nails will bond to pretty much any surface. What's liquid nails you ask?


Liquid nails will practically repair anything. Liquid nails will bond to most surfaces. Liquid nails comes in different formulas so go to the hardware store & check it out. Read the labels & see which liquid nails caulking tube is the right one for your project. The "original formula" liquid nails is the one I generally use for most of my general repairs. My tennis shoe sole was coming off, the other day, so I thought I would use liquid nails for "the shoe sole repair". I thought....what would it hurt? So I picked up the liquid nails & away I went!


Liquid nails is kind of sticky when it gets on your fingers, hands, etc.. So...if you have to use your finger, I find that if I wet my finger before I smooth it out, it doesn't get on me as much. Liquid nails is also pretty smelly as it's drying so be in a well ventilated area. Liquid nails doesn't cost very much per tube so I pick one up every once in awhile, just in case.


Even if you don't have a pair of tennis shoes to repair, keep a couple of tubes of liquid nails around as you never know when you'll need it. Put your thinking cap on & I think you'll find plenty of projects & repairs you can use liquid nails on. It works'll see!

Click here if you need to get some video painting tips for your next painting project

Caulk On!


Thursday, November 5, 2009

Mixing joint compound....with a potato masher? (video content)

Mixing joint compound.....with a potato masher? Sure! Mixing joint compound with a potato masher is easy. You can buy the more expensive mixing handle (to use on your electric drill) for mixing up the joint compound but I'm trying to save you money on your project. That's why I want you to use a "potato masher"! What am I talking about? Watch this:


That is what I want you to use when mixing up your joint compound. You can find these babies in the drywall section of your local hardware store. If you don't see them, ask. Pretty cool huh? It will also give you a good little workout:


If you purchase the joint compound in "box form", you can still mix up the joint compound with a potato masher. Simply open the cardboard box & dump the joint compound into an empty "clean" bucket, add a "dash" of water & away you go! Now you need to do something to the joint compound, periodically during the day.....and that's to mix up the joint compound (every once in awhile). You get to use the potao masher again!

Keep an eye on the consistency of the joint compound & if it looks like you need to add a "drop" of water to it, then add a little water. Just make sure you don't add too much or the joint compound will get "soupy" & that's "not" what you want. There's "two" instructional videos in this next bit so make sure you don't miss one.


What you want is a nice mixture to your joint compound.....not to dry & not too wet. Check it out below:


If you mix up an entire bucket of joint compound with the potato masher, you may decide that you want to put the potato masher somewhere else (while you fill up your drywall pan or whatever). You want to be aware that you shouldn't just lay the masher on the ground until you need it again, as the joint compound will dry on the masher.

**News Flash** You do "not" want to reuse the potato masher in your joint compound when the joint compound dries on the masher, as the dry joint compound may break off (or flake off) into your already mixed up joint compound. These dry "crusties" will then be transferred to your walls making nice little "lines" (ugh) in your finish coats then you have to stop & pick them out & re-go-over these areas (not fun). I've prepared another helpful instructional video for you to see how to prevent this from happening:


The joint compound is meant to be applied (& dried) on your walls & not on your potato masher. You don't want to have to go back & forth outside to wash the potato masher off with a hose when a bucket of water will do just nicely....try washing off a potato masher with dried joint compound with a hose (not fun).....way easier with a bucket of water as you saw. Keep your potato masher clean at all costs.


I think you get the drift on how nice this potato masher works on mixing up joint compound & the importance of keeping it clean. Do you have a friend who would benefit from reading this post & viewing these instructional videos? If so, click on the envelope with the arrow on it, at the bottom of this post. Try it out!

Click here to get some free "video" painting tips for your next drywall patch

Mix On!


Sunday, November 1, 2009

Wrapping up those pesky extension cords (video content)

Wrapping up those pesky extension cords.....the proper way. Are you having trouble wrapping up your extension cords the new fangled way? You've seen other people wrap up their extension cords this new way but you still haven't got it down. I think you should check out this post as I will teach you, once & for all, how to wrap up those pesky extension cords.

I will actually go "down under" to show you how to wrap up your extension cords. That's right, I am going to get under the video camera & show you the proper way to wrap up those extension cords.....that way my left is your left & my right is your right. Trust me, you will "see & understand" the complete process of wrapping up your extension cords.........once you view these instructional videos.


That wasn't so bad was it? Review the video again if you need to. Look at this next video clip & tell me what you think of your "handy work":


Here's another instructional video showing you how to wrap up your extension cords another way. It's actually the same way other than doubling up the extension cord before wrapping up the extension cord thereby making the overall wrapped up extension cord way shorter. It will store easier this way too. Check it out:


If you still feel a little unsure about how to wrap your extension cord this "different way"........then here's what you need to do: Watch the videos again, go out to your garage & untangle your extension cords & try wrapping the extension cord(s) up just like you saw me do. If you get stuck, try again. You'll never learn unless you try.......Murphy's Law. You "will" get the hang of it, just stick with it.

Share this post with a friend. It won't take you long. Just go to the bottom of this post & click on the envelope with the arrow on it. Your friend will be glad you did!

Click here if you'd like to get some video tips for your next painting project

Wrap On!
